Benefited from concerts in beautiful settings…

Jacqui taught my son music from when he was 7 till he was in Sixth form by which time, he in turn, was teaching viol to younger players.

Jacqui inspired and motivated him to play regularly, become confident before an audience and exercise the discipline and sense of responsibility required to be a member of an inter-dependent consort group.

Thanks to Jacqui’s technical and pedagogical skills, her patience, persistence and wonderful way of being relaxed with young people the consort gained ability and confidence. They benefited from concerts in beautiful settings – like Stratford-upon-Avon, on board the Golden Hinde, Greenwich College, Reims Cathedral, New York and the wonderful biennial viol festival of Asfeld in the east of France.

We owe Jacqui a great deal. She has remained a friend of the family and keeps in touch with our now 27 year old son. He continues to play music – in lockdown lunch hours – and he currently picks up a viol, a guitar or a mandolin daily. We are not a musical family and Jacqui gave him the gift of music.

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